I am not surprised by Jesus’ answer to the disciples when asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” His answer…little children. Every Sunday morning in SEEDS, I get to see with my own eyes why Jesus told them, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

As the SEEDS Director, I wish I could say that I get to church every Sunday filled with peace and vision. But the truth is that most Sundays get off to a pretty hectic start for me. Just getting to church on time with my own four children is a feat in itself.

From the moment I walk into the church building I am consumed by the flurry of activity that is required to make sure everything is ready for the day. Craft preparations. Broken copy machines. Classroom conditions. Teacher coordination. Remembering that I may have left something important back at home. By the time I walk into the SEEDS worship room for the start of service, my heart is often tied up in knots of tension.

But as soon as the singing starts something amazing happens. I look around the room and see the children belting out the songs with the kind of carefree enthusiasm that children have, and the tension starts to unwind. I see how unashamed little children are to shout and express their enthusiasm for Jesus. I can just imagine how Jesus must be beaming as the children of SEEDS are, literally, jumping up and down with both their hands in the air as they sing from the top of their lungs, “One Way, Jesus, You’re the only One that I will live for!” Sure, they don’t get all the verses right, but no one can mistake that chorus and its energy. I see in those children something I need more of—something God delights in.

Serving in SEEDS is not always easy, but it’s so good for my soul.

Jeannie Lee
Director of Seeds


jen said...

Great word Jeannie! I am blessed and encouraged by your faithful service. The Lord delights in you as well, sister...you too are a child of the Most High God! =)
Love & miss ya!