April 10, 2009

Serving In Our Backyard

In searching for ministry or volunteer opportunities, it is often easy to overlook some of the organizations that happen to be located right in your backyard. In early 2008, as the TGIF and Oasis community groups were looking for local ministries to volunteer at, the organization known as Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) surfaced, mainly through positive word of mouth from other community groups' at Harvest. At that time, I did not think much of it and was completely oblivious to FMSC's location, which is right down the street from where I live. Upon looking further into this opportunity, our groups decided that this would be an ideal place for all of our community group members to participate in.

In looking back, I am truly grateful for FMSC's ministry as I think everyone who volunteered that one Saturday morning can attest to not only the joys of being able to pre-package food for those children starving around the world but also the group bonding experience associated with it. The packing station was similar to an assembly line where each of us had a defining role in the process and where our individual contributions led to a common outcome. It was amazing how many packages of food we, and other volunteer groups, prepared for shipment by noon. As I reflected on the experience, it became clear to me how our distinct roles that day resembles the unique talents and gifts that God blessed us with in reaching out to the lost and in furthering His kingdom. We each serve different purposes in God's eyes with that same eternal focus.

The next time there is a call for ministry or volunteer work, one of the best places to look is right in your own neighborhood. This may be why God placed you there in the first place.

Jack Liu
Community Group Leader