December 30, 2008

Blessed to be a Blessing!

As we sat in my office and looked over her bills two days before Christmas, it was quickly obvious that the money that she brings in was simply not enough to cover her expenses this month. Catherine (not her real name) had called me to set up a meeting earlier that morning because she was in a difficult situation. A culmination of issues had caused her to find herself in this predicament. She had a job, but had to go on disability and had just gone through surgery the week before. Her husband had just recently left her and she was stuck trying to make her rent on a fraction of the family salary. Being on disability did give her some assistance, but it was simply not enough. As we looked through her monthly bills she said to me, "I will definitely have to move out of this apartment and find one with cheaper rent."

Her rent was due and she was recovering from surgery. I can tell you that nothing frustrates me as much as seeing people stressed out with financial matters when they are sick. It was my impression as we talked that going to a church (or anyone) to seek financial assistance was not something that she was used to. The local government does have rent assistance programs and the workers there have told us that we should send people with needs to them first. Since Catherine had not yet been there I suggested that she visit and I also recommended that she visit the Willow Pantry. The pantry is beneficial to all who are in need. When someone is in a financial predicament any money that they can save on groceries can be spent on bills instead. I asked her to give me a call after she visited the township office to let me know if they were able to help or not.

About an hour later she called me back and said that they would not be able to get any money to her for two weeks (which would be too late). So, I told her to come back in so that we would assist her with her rent. She was worn out by so much activity so shortly after her surgery and asked if her daughter could come on her behalf and I said that would be totally fine.

When her daughter came back I maxed out the amount that we give for rental assistance, which still left her with a small amount of rent to come up with. I explained to her that we offer rental assistance only once within a twelve month period (This is designed to help people who find themselves in emergency situations, but screen out those who have poor lifestyle habits). Her daughter thanked me and said that as a family they were trying to figure out a new place for her mother to live. The daughter said she would love to offer her a place in her own apartment, but since she lived in a one bedroom apartment with her own immediate family there was simply no room. Together, the daughter and I lifted up her mother's situation in prayer. The check we sent to the landlord bought her a little time to heal, but Catherine will need to make some very significant decisions in the coming month.

About forty minutes later I received another phone call. It was Catherine again and as her voice began to crack with emotion she said, "I am totally overwhelmed by your church's generosity. I want to say 'thank you', but I don't have the words to express how I feel".

This is just one of the ways I sense God being glorified as the Good News is demonstrated in a very real and tangible way to our local community. Please continue to join me in praying for Catherine and her family as they make some big decisions about their future!

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life..” 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Matthew Swain
Pastor of Outreach Ministries